Low Sulphite Wines
Low Sulphite Wines: in this category, it is possible to find no added sulphites wines and low sulphite wines.
We have selected products that present quantities of total SO2 at least below the Soil Association standards for organic wine, currently among the most stringent in Europe regarding sulphites addition.
Firstly, low sulphites are perfect for wine lovers with sulphites intolerance and that, for this reason, cannot properly enjoy their favourite glass. Secondly, it must be highlighted that, in order to make a wine with very low levels of total SO2, it is necessary to have incredibly healthy grapes, with very high levels of natural preservatives (polyphenols). Usually, this means having a better quality wine in your glass.
Indeed, Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) is generally used in winemaking for its antiseptic and antioxidant properties. Although sulphites are naturally produced by yeasts as a by-product of the fermentation process itself, it is still possible to find wines where a careful work in the vineyard and in the winery has allowed the winemaker to limit the quantity of added SO2. (Sulphites free and low sulphites wines)
Red wines usually do not need any added sulphur dioxide because they naturally contain anti-oxidants, acquired from their skins and stems during fermentation. Conventional winemakers add some anyway.
White wines and rosés generally do not contain natural anti-oxidants because they are not left in contact with their skins after crushing. For this reason, they are more prone to oxidation and tend to be given larger doses of sulphur dioxide.
Sweet wines get the biggest doses because sugar combines with and binds a high proportion of any SO2 added. To get the same level of free sulphur dioxide, the total concentration has to be higher than for dry wines.
By the way, “dried fruit can contain extremely high amounts of sulphites […] 2,000 ppm in the UK […] Figures from actual analyses are hard to come by, but the government and industry reports say that levels can be close to or over the limit. Analyses by a year 12 chemistry student at a Brisbane High School of dried apricots, peaches and pears found an average sulphite level of 2885 mg/kg. That means an average 200 gm packet of dried fruit would contain 577 mg of sulphur dioxide, or 144 mg per 50g serve” (Food Intollerance Network, 2007).
For this reason, Hay Wines has decided to put together a selection of good quality, well-made wines that, thanks to a careful winemaking process, have very low levels of final sulphites in the bottle.
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Low Sulphite Wines
Bastia INTROVERSØ Valdobbiadene Extra Brut Prosecco DOCG
Regular price £15.49 -
Sold Out
Fabrizio Vella Bianco Organico 2024
Regular price £11.49 -
Sold Out
Demoiselle de Veyrac Rouge 2022
Regular price £9.29