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Domaine Duseiegneur Minha Terra 2020

Regular price £18.29
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Minha Terra (My Land in Portuguese) is a fruit driven wine designed for instant pleasure. Made naturally from low yield old Syrah, its round and supple tannins express fully the red fruit aromas when consumed young. It is the ideal companion of Provencal and Med cuisine.

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Domaine Duseiegneur Minha Terra


Hailing from a family of winemakers, settled in Saint Laurent des Arbres, on the other side of the Rhône, Bernard Duseigneur took charge of the Domaine in 2002. After an investment banker experience in the City, he reconnected with his Mediterranean roots by continuing his father’s and brother’s work, Jean and Frédéric, before pitching his tent on the left bank of the Rhône in Châteauneuf-du-Pape.

Owning a great terroir is important but not sufficient to producing great wines. Being a winemaker is also being part of a thousand years old tradition; it means receiving and cultivating a know-how and conscience; it means being the vector of a cultural heritage, and being responsible for future generations to whom everything must be transmitted.

The quality of the wine is entirely dependant on the work in the vineyard. Our choices are dictated by the plant during its development and maturation. Every year, conditions change, but our mission remains: allowing the underground forces to turn into energy.

In order to achieve this, we enhance the vitality of the soil by favouring a flora and a fauna that mobilise the trace elements and allow the symbiosis between the plant and the soil.

Enriching the vitality of the soil aims at respecting the natural elements, maintaining the organic integrity of the terroir while expressing its potential in every vintage. Seizing the opportunity that nature gives us; that is the essence of biodynamics for me.


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